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Content Marketing Infographics: The Ultimate List [Infographic]

To compete in the increasingly competitive content marketing space, marketers must learn to create visual content, such as infographics. According to Unbounce, visuals are processed 60,000 times faster than text.

When looking at infographics, readers can easily digest content, consume it quickly and most importantly, share it with others.

As you start to build out your content strategy, look to this list of content marketing infographics for inspiration, best practices and tips. The infographics are displayed on playing cards and separated by seven categories. Read about why we think these infographics are so useful and then click on each card to see the full image.


Think we are missing an infographic on our ultimate list? Let us know in the comments below.

To see how infographics can fit into an overall content marketing strategy, download our latest eBook, 2015 Content Marketing Tactics & Technology Planner.



Pawan Deshpande

Pawan Deshpande is the founder and CEO of Curata, a Boston-based company offering content marketing software used by thousands of marketers around the world. He spearheaded the first-ever panel at SxSW on Content Marketing in 2011, and was a 2014 Finalist for MarketingProfs B2B Marketer of the Year. Pawan was an engineer at Microsoft and Google where he was awarded patents in social networking and machine learning. He previously attended MIT where his graduate thesis won top departmental and international awards.

Pawan is also a blogger for The Huffington Post, the Content Marketing Institute,, Forbes, Marketing Profs, and other technology and marketing publications.

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