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What’s your Content Marketing Animal Spirit? [Quiz]


takequizAre you a content marketing fox? Wildebeest? Elephant? What about a T-Rex? If you’re all caught up on the best content marketing strategies and tactics revealed in our Content Marketing Tactics Planner, then you may already have an inkling.

The 2014 Content Marketing Tactics Planner is the result of our third annual content marketing benchmark study. The findings in this year’s report delve deep into the tactical aspects of digital marketing. The study revealed what strategies are being formed by 500+ marketing organizations and provides guidance on what you can do to improve and differentiate your own content marketing strategy.

The quiz below is designed to evaluate your content marketing animal spirit based on your workflow, team, content mix and use of technology. You may discover you’re already on your way to becoming a content fox, or maybe you’re running a little behind the pack. If you find out your content strategy is stuck in the prehistoric ages, don’t worry! It’s never too late to get started on a successful content strategy. Here’s a rundown of each animal:


The Fox

Cunning, strategic, quick-thinking, adaptable, clever and passionate; with an ability to use its resources for survival and growth.

The Wildebeest

Follows the pack, always afraid of being left behind.

The Elephant

Strong, stable, patient; yet slow to shift to changing situations.

The T-Rex

Simply put, extinct or rapidly on the way to extinction.

Fill out the quiz in full to find out your animal spirit guide. (*Disclaimer: This quiz is not for the easily offended – you might discover you’re one foxy marketer.)

Your Content Strategy

Which best describes your company’s prioritization of content marketing?

It’s a top 3 priority for our CMO
Just starting to invest in it
We won’t invest in it without ROI
What is content marketing?

Which best describes your content marketing strategy?

We create and curate high quality content on a consistent basis
We don’t publish as often as we like to, but it’s always high quality
We publish as much content as possible
We don’t have one

What portion of your annual marketing budget is dedicated to content marketing?

5 to 9.9%
10 to 19.9%
20 to 29.9%
30 to 39.9%

Content is developed according to buyer personas and buying stages.

All the time

Which best describes your company’s content marketing metrics strategy:

Nothing today
Mostly vanity (e.g., social shares)
Engagement metrics
We measure content’s impact on the pipeline

Your Content Team

Do you have an executive in your organization who is directly responsible for an overall content marketing strategy? (e.g., Chief Content Officer, VP or director of Content Strategy, etc.)


Please indicate your content marketing team’s level of alignment across marketing (e.g., with product marketing, social media, marketing operations, PR)

Not aligned
Somewhat aligned
Very aligned
Deep collaboration

Your Content Marketing Mix

What % of your content today is created by your own organization, including outsourcing content creation? (i.e., versus curated content and syndication)?

0 to 34%
35 to 59%
60 to 79%
80 to 90%

What % of your created content is sourced (created/curated) internally versus outsourced?

0 to 19%
20 to 30%
31 to 50%

Which best describes your content creation strategy?

Quality is #1 – we only publish long-form, information packed pieces
Quantity is #1 – we publish as much content as possible
We have a mix of deep, insightful content as well as high quality “lighter” content
We only stick to curation and syndication

Do you believe that complementing your created content with curated content is beneficial to your company, as well as your audience?

Definitely not

How often do you curate/share content from 3rd party sources such as from blogs, social media, industry publications or news sites with your customers and/or prospects?

Quarterly or less

Which best represents your company’s content promotion strategy?

Build it and they will come
Tweet away then move on to the next content piece
Tap into the social media team
Publish to multiple channels (social media, newsletters, blogs)

Your Use of Technology

How many types of content management applications do you use to manage your content marketing process?

0 (Microsoft or Google applications)

Do you intend to integrate your content management technology with your marketing automation system(s)?

In 3+ years
In 1 to 3 years
This year
We’re integrated today

Michael Gerard

Michael was CMO of Curata, responsible for Curata’s marketing strategy and all related activities. He has over 25 years of marketing and sales experience, having successfully launched and sustained three start-up ventures as well as having driven innovative customer creation strategies for large technology organizations such as IDC, Kenan Systems, Prospero (mZinga) and Millipore. Michael received his MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management, as well as a BS in Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and an MS in Engineering from Northeastern University.

Curata Content Analytics

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