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Business Blogging: 6 Steps to Boost Your Content Marketing Strategy

The secret is getting out . . . Business blogging offers a huge opportunity to boost your content marketing strategy.

In fact, business blogging is a strategy employed by 80% of marketers, as reported in the Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs 2015 B2B Benchmark Study. Although many companies have a business blog, they are largely underutilized.

A well-run blog can become the cornerstone of a content marketing strategy and can have a myriad of benefits: brand awareness, referral traffic and lead generation to name a few.

The good news is that many marketers are already seizing the opportunity in business blogging. According to our recent study of 425+ marketers, Business Blogging Secrets Revealed, 56% of leading marketers are hiring resources dedicated to a business blog.

But how can you ensure that this investment will lead to the aforementioned benefits? Click through the following SlideShare to see how the blogs with 10,000+ page views a month are getting the most impact from their content.

For an even closer look at the results of our study, download a free copy of our eBook on the topic.

blogging survey

Michael Gerard

Michael was CMO of Curata, responsible for Curata’s marketing strategy and all related activities. He has over 25 years of marketing and sales experience, having successfully launched and sustained three start-up ventures as well as having driven innovative customer creation strategies for large technology organizations such as IDC, Kenan Systems, Prospero (mZinga) and Millipore. Michael received his MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management, as well as a BS in Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute, and an MS in Engineering from Northeastern University.

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