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Writing with Mojo by Doug Kessler Content Marketing Expert Series Webinar

Let's face it, your content is boring.

Someone had to tell you. It's accurate and intelligent and helpful... it just doesn't have any... mojo. Mojo comes from writing with confidence and passion and belief. With a bit of attitude and a lot of energy. Join this Content Marketing Expert Series webinar as Doug Kessler shares the secrets on how to get that mojo into your brand's writing.

Doug is the Creative Director and Co-Founder of the award-winning Velocity Partners, and one of the hottest and most insightful speakers on the content marketing event circuit.

Doug will look at examples of some strong work and compare it to the lame stuff. And he’ll try to figure out why some writing jumps off the page and grabs you by the eyeballs, while other writing makes your eyes glaze over.

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